Hedda Gabler - Off-Broadway Creative Team

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Production Staff

Christopher Hampton Adaptation
Christopher's plays, musicals and translations have won many awards including four Tonys and three Oliviers. Prizes for his screenplays include an Oscar, Hollywood Screenwriter of the Year and awards at the Cannes and Venice film festivals. Plays include Appomattox, The Talking Cure, Tales from Hollywood, The Philanthropist, Savages, Total Eclipse; adaptations from novels Youth Without God (Horvath), Embers (Marai), Les Liaisons Dangereuses (Laclos); plus translations of plays by Chekhov, Ibsen, Moliere, Horvath, Yasmina Reza and Florian Zeller. Screenplays include Dangerous Liaisons, Atonement, A Dangerous Method, Carrington, The Secret Agent and Imagining Argentina, the last three of which he also directed. ... read more
Henrik Ibsen Playwright
Howard Atlee Press Representative
J. Carduner Producer
Robert A. Freedman Lighting Designer
Ted Van Griethuysen Artistic Director
Roy Harris Assistant Director
Stage Manager
Sandra LeMonds Costume Designer
David Sage Production Stage Manager
Eli Siegel Artistic Associate
Linda Wukovich Scenic Designer
Ticket Central
