The Caretaker - Broadway Creative Team

Production Staff

Harold Pinter Playwright
Merle Debuskey Circle in the Square Senior Press Agent
Susan Elrod Company Manager
Dorothy C. Haase Circle in the Square Director of Development
Carol Klein Stage Manager
John Malkovich Costume Designer
Teri McClure Production Stage Manager
Kevin Rigdon Lighting Designer
Scenic Designer
KEVIN RIGDON Designer Mr. Rigdon is a scenic, lighting, and costume designer whose extensive international credits include the Broadway productions of David Mamet’s The Old Neighborhood, Speed-the-Plow, and Glengarry Glen Ross; One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest directed by Terry Kinney; Buried Child directed by Gary Sinise; The Rise and Fall of Little Voice directed by Simon Curtis; A Streetcar Named Desire and Our Town directed by Gregory Mosher; The Grapes of Wrath directed by Frank Galati; The Caretaker directed by John Malkovich; The Song of Jacob Zulu and Ghetto. London credits include Waiting For Godot and You Never Can ... read more
Michael F. Ritchie Production Manager
William Schelble Circle in the Square Press Representative
Ticket Central
