PETER AND THE STARCATCHER/A HATFUL OF RAIN - West Virginia Public Theatre Non Equity Auditions

Posted March 13, 2018
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for 2018 Summer Season

Peter and the Starcatcher
A Hatful of Rain

Saturday, March 24, 2018 from 2:00-6:00 pm
Pittsburgh Musical Theater
327 S Main St,
Pittsburgh, PA 15220

Seeing AEA and Non-Professionals

AEA Contracts 2 Guest Artist, Tier III Contracts available for each show

Peter and the Starcatcher (Elice): May 15th - June 18th
" Peter - Orphan. Nameless, homeless, friendless, becomes a hero.
" Prentiss - Orphan. Ambitious, hyper-articulate, logical, leader wannabe.
" Ted - Orphan. Obsessed with food, an easy wit.
" Lord Leonard Aster - British subject. Model Victorian gentleman, protector of the Earth.
" Molly Aster - British subject. Leader, curious, intelligent, committed to doing right.
" Mrs. Bumbrake - British subject. Molly's nanny. British to the bone.
" Captain Robert Falcon Scott - British subject. Captain of Britain's fastest frigate, the Wasp.
" Grempkin - British subject. Mean, malodorous schoolmaster.
" Bill Slank - Seafarer. Vicious, greedy, incompetent captain of the Neverland.
" Alf - Seafarer. An old sea dog. Kind at heart
" Mack - Seafarer. A very bad sailor.
" Black Stache - Seafarer. Heartless, well read, theatrical, ferocious, big-bearded pirate.
" Smee - Seafarer. Dedicated first mate to Black Stache.
" Sanchez - Seafarer. Hardworking Spanish pirate with an identity crisis.
" Fighting Prawn - Native. Mollusk King, master chef, hates all Englishmen.
" Hawking Clam - Native. Heir to the Mollusk throne.
" Teacher - Native. Ancient, knowledgeable mermaid.
" Double casting will be used
" Everyone must be able to move well. Show will include climbing, rolling on the floor, "pirate" stuff

A Hatful of Rain (Gazza): May 27th - June 30th
" John Pope, Sr. - 50-65. Johnny and Polo's estranged father.
" Johnny Pope - 24-30. Handsome. The 1st and 'golden' child. Naturally stoic but his war experience in Korea has left him deeply wounded.
" Celia Pope - 24-30 Emotional center of the play. A girl from the suburbs in a grim urban working-class environment. After 5 years of Johnny's absence, she is at the breaking point.
" Mother - Male 22-28. Drug-pusher and addict. A stone-cold business man. Charming, scary
" Apples - Male - Addict. Mother's right-hand man.
" Chuch - Male - Addict. Mother's enforcer, big, intimidating, but decent and kind.
" Polo Pope - 28 to 38. The black-sheep brother. Sweet but tough.
" A Man - Addict. Part of Mother's entourage.
" Putski - Female - A rich addict from suburban Greenwich, Connecticut. Young. Naïve.

What To Bring
? A current resume and headshot
? 1-2 minute monologue
? 16 bars of a song a capella
? Entire package not to exceed 3-4 minutes.
? You may be asked to cold read from the script

Schedule an Audition:
Contact Us: (304) 381-2382 -*
*Video Submissions Accepted
Potential callbacks at a later date.

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