Bags - Off-Off-Broadway Creative Team

Production Staff

robert mitchell Composer
Robert Mitchell is an award winning Composer, Playwright and Lyricist. His musical VINCENT won "Best Musical" Honors in NYC. RAPPACCINI'S DAUGHTER, referred to as an "Off-Broadway hit" by The New Yorker, has been produced in New York, New Jersey, San Francisco and Las Vegas. Other musicals - all performed in NYC, include FRANKENSTEIN, DIMAGGIO, and THEY ALL KNEW. His musical, CAPONE, starring Danny Aiello, is to be produced by Caiola Productions in the Spring. His music drama, THE LONE STAR STATE, commissioned and performed at the 3,000 seat Moody State Theatre in Galveston, Texas, was recorded in London with members ... read more
Elizabeth Perry Bookwriter/Lyricist
Ticket Central
