NUNSENSE A-MEN - Hill Country Community Theatre Non Equity Auditions

Posted July 22, 2021
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NUNSENSE A-MEN - Hill Country Community Theatre

“Nunsense A-Men”
HCCT announces
open auditions for

The Hill Country Community Theatre is casting the musical comedy “Nunsense A-Men” by Dan Goggin. Auditions are Monday, August 2 and Tuesday, August 3 at 7:00 PM, at the theatre, 4003 W FM 2147, Cottonwood Shores, TX 78657. Sides from the script will be provided at the audition for cold readings. Please bring sheet music, a music track, or be prepared to sing acapella for the singing audition. The show will be directed by Mike Rademaekers, with Les Young as music director and Kristi Stere as choreographer.

“Nunsense A-Men,” brings all the hilarity and warmth from Dan Goggin’s original script and score of?“Nunsense,” with the amusing twist – the sisters being played by MEN! When Sister Julia accidentally poisons 52 sisters with her soup, the Little Sister of Hoboken organize a talent show fundraiser to earn the money to bury them.? Please note: While the sisters are played by men in this version, the author intends that it be done totally seriously (i.e., NOT a drag queen show). He suggests you think of it as “Mrs. Doubtfire enters the Convent.”

The roles are:
SISTER MARY REGINA?– MALE (Baritone-Bass) The Mother Superior of the Little Sisters of Hoboken. A feisty Sophie Tucker-type. Outrageous, quick-witted, and knows how to get a laugh. Tries to convince everyone she is strict, but her bark is worse than her bite. Can’t resist the spotlight.

SISTER MARY HUBERT?– MALE (Baritone-Tenor) Mistress of Novices and second-in-command, she always competes with the Mother Superior. Very kind tries to be understanding and diplomatic; always ready to kick up her heels.

SISTER ROBERT ANNE?– MALE (Baritone – Tenor) A streetwise, tough character from Brooklyn, a constant irritation source for the Mother Superior.

SISTER MARY AMNESIA?– MALE (Tenor) Lost her memory when a crucifix fell on her head. She is the picture of innocence but a tad loopy. Can’t remember her past, so looks at each day with childlike joy.

SISTER MARY LEO?– MALE (Baritone – Tenor) The novice who wants to be a ballerina – was a professional dancer before entering the convent and is always eager to display her talent. Impressionable and young, easily led astray.

Production dates are for four weeks, September 24 through October 17, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 PM, Sunday matinees at 2:00 PM. Please call the theatre at (830) 693-2474 or send an email to for more information.

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