FOUR WEDDINGS AND AN ELVIS - Rover Dramawerks Non Equity Auditions

Posted October 7, 2015
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Four Weddings and an Elvis
by Nancy Frick
directed by Matt Stepan

Saturday, October 24 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, October 25 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m.
callbacks, if needed, will be Tuesday, October 27

Appointments are required. For an appointment time, please email

Auditions will be at Rover Dramawerks, located at 221 W. Parker Road, Suite 580 in Plano, at the northwest corner of 75 and Parker Rd. in the Ruisseau Village Shopping Center.

Brief Synopsis:
Anything can happen in a wedding chapel in Las Vegas...and does! From a couple getting married by the King himself as revenge on their exes, to arrogant, aging stars tying the knot as a publicity stunt, to a ceremony that really needs to happen before the police arrive, to the nuptials of the wedding chapel owner herself, what happens in hilarious!

Roles: 6 men, 4 women

SANDY: The wedding chapel proprietor. A quirky and hopeless romantic who has been married four the same man. Female, late 40s-early 60s.

STAN: An angry groom who is hungry for revenge. The actor playing STAN will also play the PRODUCER in the final scene. Male, 20s-30s

BEV: A less angry bride who has fallen in love. Female, 20s-30s.

JOHN: The minister/Elvis impersonator next door. Male, late 20s-early 40s.

LOU: An elderly minister/Elvis impersonator looking for a job...and maybe something more. Male, 70s.

BRYCE: A star from a hit television show 30 years ago. Washed up and in denial. Gay and officially in the closet, but everyone knows. Male, late 40s-50s.

VANESSA: Bryce's co-star from that old show, also washed up and in denial. A recovering alcoholic. Female, late 40s-50s.

MARVIN: A mailman from Nebraska and all around good guy, who's engaged to an unusual bride. Male, late 20s to 40s.

FIONA: An ex-con who just got paroled. Engaged to Marvin and hoping to change her life. Female, late 20s-40s.

FIST: Fiona's ex-boyfriend. Bank robber and tough guy, but truly in love. Male, late 20s-40s.

All roles are available.

Other information:

- Email for an appointment time, and access to a script will be made available to you. Be familiar with the script before coming to auditions.
- MEN need to prepare 16 bars of an Elvis song to sing. The greater your impersonation of the King, the better (no costumes please!). If you are not a singer please do not allow this to dissuade you from auditioning, as only the character of JOHN really sings, but the director would like to hear all men sing.
- Be prepared to read scenes from the script.
- Please bring a resume and head shot.
- References may be required.
- Actors and technicians will receive stipends.
- Rehearsals will be in Plano and will begin on or around the week of November 8. There will be a rehearsal break over the holidays.
- Please visit the website at or call (972) 849-0358 for more information.

Four Weddings and an Elvis will run January 7-31, 2016 at Rover Dramawerks’ new theatre in Plano - 221 W. Parker Rd., Suite 580, Plano 75023.

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