CRISIS - Rover Dramawerks Non Equity Auditions

Posted February 15, 2016
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CRISIS - Rover Dramawerks


by Larry Herold
directed by Paul McKenzie

Saturday, March 5 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Sunday, March 6 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Appointments are required. For an appointment time, please email

Auditions will be at Rover Dramawerks, located at 221 W. Parker Road, Suite 580 in Plano, at the northwest corner of 75 and Parker Rd. in the Ruisseau Village Shopping Center.

Brief Synopsis:
When a corporation screws up - like, for instance, when the CEO is seen doing questionable things in a viral YouTube video - they bring in a crisis expert. Someone to circle the wagons. Handle the media. Control the panic. That would be Margot Euston. All she needs is for CEO Jack Carville to be completely honest. But honesty is not a part of Jack's business plan. World Premiere!

Roles: 3 men, 2 women

JACK CARVILLE - CEO of American Water Corporation. Male, 30s-40s. Charismatic, charming and a ruthless snake. One part Martin Shkreli, one part Donald Trump, but more appealing.

CHARLES PRINCE - Member of the board of directors. Male, 30s-40s. Business-minded, savvy, and conflicted.

GENERAL CHAVERA - President of a small island nation. Male, 30s-50s. Hardened, calculating dictator type, who's also a bit of an upbeat, effusive romantic. Think Hugo Chavez or Castro.

CINDY - Carville's secretary. Female, 20s. Bright, bubbly, and inexperienced. Young, but quick to learn the ways of the business world.

MARGOT EUSTON - Crisis management expert. Female, 40s. A mix of Eleanor Roosevelt, Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem and Carly Fiorina makes her strong, dynamic, and smart, with a take no prisoners attitude. *This role has been cast.*

All roles other than Margot are available.

Other information:

- Email for an appointment time, and access to a script will be made available to you. Be familiar with the script before coming to auditions.
- Please prepare a one-minute comedic monologue.
- Be prepared to read scenes from the script.
- Please bring a resume and head shot.
- References may be required.
- Actors and technicians will receive stipends.
- Rehearsals will be in Plano and will begin on or around the week of April 3, 2016.
- Please visit the website at or call (972) 849-0358 for more information.

Crisis will run May 26 - June 18, 2016 at Rover Dramawerks, 221 W. Parker Rd., Suite 580, Plano 75023.

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