COLORBLIND - Actor’s Temple Theatre  Non Equity Auditions

Posted February 16, 2022
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COLORBLIND - Actor’s Temple Theatre 


Theatre Name: Actor’s Temple Theatre

Auditioning: Actors

Auditions: 2/16 - 2/28 11:59PM

Auditions: Send self tapes to

Callbacks will be held in New York, NY

Full Breakdown:

Clinton Muhammad [35] African-American - Originally from the South from a Christian mother and Muslim father, their involvement in the Civil Rights Movement has shaped his views and beliefs to create the Minority Empowerment Movement. He is tall, astute, dynamic and charismatic. Think Malcolm X for today’s time.

Janet Smith [30] African American - She is a graduate of Harvard Law School. She is a brilliant lawyer, strategist and overall planner. Channeling Michelle Obama as much as possible, she is always poised and put together but does not take crap from anyone. She was raised in an upper-middle class family surrounded by mostly white friends and neighbors.

Ross Akins [early 40s] Caucasian - He is the host of a controversial FOX news type of show. He is very conservative in his views but explosive in his debates and conversation. He disagrees with all that Clinton and his organization (M.E.M Minority Empowerment Movement) stand for.

Rasheed Alan [26] African American - Rasheed is a newly enlightened member of the Minority Empowerment Movement. He is a reformed street guy that still struggles with cursing, fighting and an explosive temper. He idolizes Clinton and credits him with saving his life and is trying his best to leave “the streets” behind.

Marcus Reed [late 40s/early 50s] African American - He is the eldest member of the Minority Empowerment Movement and is a carryover from the civil rights era. His mannerisms and speech are that of an educated man that more than likely followed Martin Luther King, Jr. 's teachings than that of Malcolm X.

Lieutenant Thomas [mid 40’s] African American - He has been in the police force for 20 years and is considered a local hero. He is calm, cool and extremely calculated but also walks a very dangerous line.

Young Officer [early 20’s] Open Ethnicity - He is brand new to the job and excited to be the very best he can be, and is also nervous and anxious to “do some good.” He views the world in right or wrong with no in between.

Doctor Yolanda Evans [33] Caucasian - She is from one of the roughest areas of Chicago and her family was the only white family for miles in her neighborhood. She has a sultry voice and in depth knowledge of black culture. She is a brilliant doctor and a fan of Clinton Muhammad’s work, despite her ethnicity.


Clinton Muhammad -

Janet Smith -

Ross Akins -

Rasheed Alan -
Marcus Reed -
Lieutenant Thomas -
Young Officer -

Doctor Yolanda Evans -

Short Synopsis:
COLORBLIND dives head first into the long-standing racial inequality in America. It follows the life of Mr Clinton Muhammad, the controversial spiritual leader of the Minority Empowerment Movement. His militant speeches and fiery stance against the oppression and discrimination of minorities has divided all that come in contact with him. Some love and idolize him while others despise him and plot his demise. At the peak of his meteoric rise, a life altering event puts everything Muhammad believes into question. Colorblind tackles the issues from every angle, leaving the audience to ask themselves: is it possible to have a truly “colorblind” society?

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