Red Bull Theater 2023 Season Equity Actors - Red Bull Theater Auditions

Posted November 4, 2022
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Red Bull Theater 2023 Season - Red Bull Theater

Red Bull Theater 2023 Season - Equity video submissions Red Bull Theater | New York, NY

Notice: Submission


Viewing auditions:

Nathan Winkelstein - Associate Artistic

Director/In house Casting Director

Stuart Howard - Casting Director


See production dates in breakdown.


We are a 100% fully vaccinated company.

Proof of vaccination will be required to accept any offered job at Red Bull Theater this fall.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As suchEquity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.


Off Broadway

$895 weekly minimum (Tier 3)


Equity actors with classical training for roles in Red Bull Theater's 2023 Season to include ARDEN OF FAVERSHAM and THE KNIGHT OF THE BURNING PESTLE which will be produced in association with Fiasco Theatre (see breakdown).

ACTORS OF COLOR are encouraged to submit.

RED BULL THEATER: Red Bull Theater is an Off-Broadway company that brings rarely seen classic plays to dynamic new life for contemporary audiences. With the Jacobean plays of Shakespeare and his contemporaries as our cornerstone, Red Bull Theater is New York City’s home for dynamic performances of great plays that stand the test of time. The company also produces new works that are in conversation with the classics.

FIASCO THEATRE: Fiasco’s mission is to offer dynamic, joyful, actor-driven productions, and the highest quality, accessible, affordable training for emerging artists. Fiasco Theater is an ensemble founded and run by actors.


Please prepare a Short Classical Monologue (2 minutes or less), preferably from a play by Shakespeare or another Elizabethan or Jacobean playwright. Email your headshot/resume and video submission.

Deadline: 11/29/2022



DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION: Red Bull Theater values and practices inclusiveness and diversity in all of its activities. Red Bull Theater believes in promoting and providing maximum accessibility for all, and treating everyone with fairness and respect. Red Bull Theater does not discriminate in practices or employment opportunities on the basis of an individual’s race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, veteran status, disability, or any other category. We maintain a workplace that is free from harassment, discrimination, bullying and violence. The company offers fair and competitive compensation for all workers. Red Bull Theater is committed to antiracist action. Red Bull Theater recognizes that the process of being a diverse and inclusive workplace is ongoing, and the company is committed to a constant pursuit of equity and fairness in all areas and at all levels of the organization.


Producer: Red Bull Theater

Playwrights: Adapted by Jeffrey Hatcher and Kathryn Walat

Director: Jesse Berger


1st Rehearsal: February 6, 2023

First Preview: March 7

Opening: March 20

Closing: April 2

Rehearsal Venue: TBD

Performance Venue: Lucille Lortel Theater


ALICE. Female. 35-50. Any race. The lead. A suburban Lady Macbeth. A woman made for excitement trapped in a stultifying marriage. Sensitive, charming, witty, coy, skittish, devious, desperate and driven, all on a dime. Barbara Stanwyck. Julianne Moore. Frances McDormand. Kerry Washington.

MOSBY. Male. 30-50. Any race. Alice’s lover - A sexy, ambitious social climber working every angle. A bootstraps striver who knows the rules are set against his type. Young Macbeth. A young Denzel. Elusive to those who desire him, passionate until the game changes, smart but not too smart. This role is already cast

ARDEN. Male. 50-65. Any race. Alice’s husband. A middle-class Ubu Roi, he’s climbed to the top of the ladder and wants to stay there. Arden found every legal loophole and took every advantage. A small-town real estate mogul who can but does not (quite) commit a crime. Married a younger wife of a higher class and became Mayor of Faversham. He tries to pass for upper class, but everyone can see his greedy Id and lower-middle class roots. Paranoid, but he does have many enemies. Possibly a repressed homosexual; only his “friend” Franklin might know. He thinks his love for Alice is of the romantic ideal kind, but the pedestal he tries to keep her on is in the kitchen. A retired semi-mobster who’s done rough stuff and now wants to golf and have his trophy wife. Richard Crenna in BODY HEAT. Dan Hedaya in BLOOD SIMPLE. John Turturro.

FRANKLIN. Male or Non-Binary. 45-65. BIPOC. A classic Number 2 to Arden’s swaggering mover/shaker, Franklin is a bourgeois hypocrite, a censorious enabler who loudly proclaims his strong moral and ethical positions and never criticizes Arden’s cut-corner business dealings. Secretly in love with Arden, Franklin is the faithful bridesmaid, hoping and waiting for Arden’s real bride to reveal her true colors. Franklin thinks he’s steering Arden to the correct path - it just happens to be the path Franklin travels. His fatal weakness is his loyalty to Arden. This role is already cast

BLACK WILL. Male. Black. 35-55. A gleeful, comic villain. Brutal and witty, like a hit man out of GOODFELLAS or THE SOPRANOS. Heavy set and squat, he’s the Jeff to Shakebag’s Mutt. The leader and smarter of the two. Jackie Gleason as a murderer.

SHAKEBAG. Male. White or White-Passing. 35-55. The Mutt to Black Will’s Jeff. As capable of murder and other foul deeds, but rougher, dumber, more sad sack. Art Carney as a murderer. Steve Buscemi. This role is already cast

WIDOW GREENE. Female or Non-Binary. BIPOC. 35-55. Ma Joad meets Mother Courage meets a meat cleaver. A farm widow in abject poverty, with children she loves and mouths to feed, she (rightly) blames Arden for her dire situation. At first she seeks redress through the proper channels, but when the law, charity, and common decency slam the door on her, she takes her strength of purpose and turns it to revenge and murder.

MICHAEL. Male. White or Passing. 25-35. Arden’s servant - think valet. Sympathetic but shaky, both morally and in terms of courage. In love with Arden’s maid Susan, he throws loyalty aside when Alice offers him Susan’s hand if he helps to murder his master. Earnest, well-meaning, easily spooked, but eternally optimistic that a happy ending awaits him. He’s wrong.

SUSAN. Female. BIPOC. 20-30. Mosby's younger sister. Alice's serving maid. Innocent, but not weak: Determined. In love with Michael. Or maybe in love with Clarke. They both want her. She has to decide. Surely one of them can help her escape Arden’s house. Strong-willed and ambitious, her natural abilities have been stifled. Determined to break free of the gender and class roles the world has thrust upon her.

CLARKE, LORD MAYOR, FERRYMAN, OTHERS. Male or Non-Binary. BIPOC. 35-55. Multiple characters. Protean. Funny. Scary. Multiple character track:

-Clarke, itinerant painter, slick charmer; wants Susan and has no qualms about arranging a murder to get her.

-Lord Mayor, the local authority figure; seemingly soft and benign, has a solid core. -The Ferryman, like Hamlet’s Gravedigger, a weird rustic ‘seer on the river Styx’ type.


Producer: Red Bull Theater, in association with Fiasco Theater

Red Bull Theater 2023 Season - Equity video submissions Page 4 of 6

Playwright: Francis Beaumont

Director: Noah Brody and TBD


1st Rehearsal: March 20, 2023

First Preview: April 18

Opening: May 1

Closing: May 14

Possible Extension: May 27

Rehearsal Venue: Lucille Lortel Theater

Performance Venue: Lucille Lortel Theater


CITIZEN. Male. 30s-40s. A successful London grocer, and blowhard. He is an avid theater goer determined to have the acting company before him tell a story that, for once, honors and exalts the new merchant class; in other words, himself.

WIFE. Female. 30s-40s. A first time theatergoer, she is swept up by the storytelling in front of her as though it were all real. As a mother, a wife and a keeper of house, she has something to say about EVERYTHING going on before her. This role is already cast

RAFE. Any Gender. 20s-30s. A young assistant to the Citizen and Wife, they are conscripted to play a heroic grocer in the impromptu play put on; and like Don Quixote, they relate to the world through a supreme act of chivalric delusion.

PROLOGUE and AS CAST. Any Gender. Any Age. A beleaguered spokesperson among the acting company who negotiates with the Citizen. They try to avoid catastrophe as the company veers between performing the play they prepared and the improvised one demanded of them. This role is already cast

MERCHANT VENTUREWELL and AS CAST. Male. 30s-40s. A character in the prepared play, he is a successful, puffed-up, patriarchal merchant who attempts to force Luce, his daughter, to marry the sophisticated nitwit he's chosen for her. This role is already cast

JASPER and AS CAST. Female or Non-Binary. 30s-40s. A character in the prepared play, they are apprentice to Venturewell. They are thrown out of their job and to their own devices when it's discovered that they and Luce have fallen in love.

LUCE and AS CAST. Female or Non-Binary. 20s-30s. Daughter to the Merchant Venturewell, she is determined to marry for love and is willing to take action, risking her father's love and retribution, to do so.

HUMPHRY and AS CAST. Male. 20s-40s. In the prepared play, he is a florid gentleman and thoroughgoing ding-dong determined to marry Luce despite her lack of interest. This role is already cast

MISTRESS MERRYTHOUGHT and AS CAST. Female. 30s-40s. In the prepared play, she is the long suffering wife of Old Merrythought. She rejects her son, Jasper, for falling in love, and her husband for being prodigal. She is as penny-pinching and dyspeptic as her husband is profligate and blithe.

OLD MERRYTHOUGHT and AS CAST. Male. 30s-40s. In the prepared play, he is the father of Jasper and George; No matter the situation, he always has a cheerful song in his heart and on his lips. His blitheness and disregard for the necessity of making or saving money leads his wife and younger child to finally quit him. This role is already cast

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