HEARTS BEAT LOUD Equity Principal Actors - MCC Theater Auditions

Posted November 3, 2022
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HEARTS BEAT LOUD - Equity video submissions (principal) MCC Theater | New York, NY

Notice: Submission


Off Broadway

$662 weekly minimum (Level 4 Musical Development)


Equity actors for roles in HEARTS BEAT LOUD (See breakdown).

HEARTS BEAT LOUD encourages gender diverse and color conscious casting. Performers of all ethnic and racial backgrounds, gender identities, and abilities are encouraged to apply.


SEE BREAKDOWN FOR PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS. Please submit your headshot, resume and video in a downloadable format, Google Drive and DropBox tend to work best. We are not able to download files (i.e. WeTransfer, Hightail, Youtube). Please title your video: FULL NAME – HEARTS BEAT LOUD. In the subject line please type, HEARTS BEAT LOUD – EPA – FULL NAME

Deadline: 11/15/2022






Book: Ngozi Anyanwu

Music and Lyrics: Niko Tsakalakos

Directed by: Whitney White

Co-Artistic Directors: Bernard Telsey, William Cantler

Executive Director: Blake West

General Manager: Beth Dembrow

Casting: The Telsey Office / Destiny Lilly, CSA Manager of Musical Development & Production: Scott Galina (viewing auditions)


January 17, 2023 - February 10, 2023 OTHER

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

At the top of the video, please slate your name, your preferred pronouns, height, location and give a full body shot.

Please prepare a brief contemporary musical theater or pop/rock song that shows your style and vocal range. If you do not have access to accompaniment, you may sing your song of choice a cappella.


If you are not able to sing a song of your choosing, please feel free to prepare the provided song. Sheet music and accompaniment MP3 are available at the following link:



If you are using an iPhone to video record, please be sure to film horizontally and in a well-lit space (not backlit).


ROSE (SHE, HER, HERS) 18+ to play 17 years old, Black or multiracial. Pop soprano with style and edge. Some high belting. Rose is dealing with the death of her mother, which has only made her more anal retentive and focused on her studies, putting her love of music on the back burner. She’s now an aspiring pre-med student and can’t wait to get out of high school (and Red Hook, for that matter). She didn't always feel this way, but the loss of her mother makes her want to blaze through school by being a super good student, but when she sings and creates music, we get a hint of the awesome empath that lies in waiting. There’s a total rockstar in there if she’ll just slow down and see it.

FRANK (HE, HIM, HIS) late 40 early 50s, Any ethnicity. Pop/rock tenor who also has a strong low range. Has energy and a wide dynamic range. He’s a man who misses his wife and connecting with his daughter through music. He’s let his once successful record shop go to seed. Once upon a time, he was a cool rocker (at least he thought so) now, he’s an aging Gen X’er who can’t keep up with the times, or his daughter. His record shop is going out of business, his daughter is graduating high school and looking to get as far away from him as possible. He’s stuck, doesn’t know what’s next for himself and is having a hard time communicating with his daughter, but he’s at his best when he’s making music. He can be a tool and a bit of a man child, but we love him anyway.

SAM (THEY, THEM, THEIRS) 18+ to play 17 years old, Black, Asian, MENASA, Latine, or Multiracial. Pop alto/tenor range, cool tone with strong style. A deliciously self-righteous artivist. A force of nature who’s unafraid to stand up for what they believe in: Art, Red Hook and now Rose. A free spirit and a self-proclaimed changer of the world. They will open up something in Rose and awaken her to become more extroverted. They’ll teach Rose that art does, in fact, sometimes save lives. They’re mad Brooklyn and a poet. A total vibe.

LESLIE (SHE, HER, HERS) 40s+, Any ethnicity. Mezzo-soprano, folky, down to earth. She’s in real estate. A pragmatic woman. Born and raised in Red Hook. She’s savvy, funny, and real. She’s a great friend and maybe more. But she’ll be fine whether Frank realizes it or not, but still, she’s a possibility.

DAVE (HE, HIM, HIS) late 60s, Any ethnicity. Gritty, bluesy baritone. Think Joe Cocker. The owner of the local dive. He’s been in Red Hook a long time. Always looking to try something new, but doesn’t quite get it right. He mixes up his metaphors, and we don’t always know what he's talking about. A bit of a futuristic space cadet. There is a wise soul in there somewhere past the weed. THIS ROLE IS CAST.


MARYANNE (SHE, HER, HERS) late 60s, Black. Mezzo, with a spunk and bite to her voice. Sam’s maternal grandmother. Very Brooklyn. She’s a woman of a certain age and lives in a retirement home. She’s lost in her memories, but every once in a while, she’s lucid. She’s a bit of a pill and can be sharp-tongued. Though she is suffering from dementia, she also suffers no fools.

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