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Theater Camp Guide

1300 Big Pines Ave
Big Pine Key,FL 33043

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Camp Type: Overnight
Session Length: 2 Weeks
Camp Focus:
Traditional Non-Arts Primary

Extra Activities: Arts and Crafts, Sailing

Seacamp is a year round, non-profit marine science camp and educational facility located on Big Pine Key in the tropical Florida Keys.

Our unique science and water sports camp is 30 miles north of Key West in the heart of Florida's fragile coral reefs.

Founded in 1966, Seacamp Association offers marine science education and a full suite of water sports and activities including SCUBA, kayaking, sailing, windsurfing, fishing, arts & crafts, and many more.

Seacamp Association, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to marine science education. Our mission is to create awareness of the complex and fragile marine world and to foster critical thinking and informed decision making about man's use of natural resources.

We are one of the few organizations in the United States providing experiential education in marine studies to students aged 10 to 21 years old. As a residential summer camp and educational program, Seacamp Association offers extended sessions of hands-on, interactive education, taking advantage of the variety of marine environments surrounding our beautiful location in the heart of the Florida Keys.

The summer camp for 10 to 17 year-olds began in 1966 and emphasizes marine research and exploration using snorkeling and scuba skills as well as the more traditional camp activities of sailing, lifesaving, windsurfing, photography, arts and crafts and campcraft. In 1970 Newfound Harbor Marine Institute evolved to provide a marine studies field camp for public and private schools, teaching snorkeling skills used to study the coral reef, shallow bay, and mangrove communities.

In the past fifty+ years Seacamp Association has developed and continuously refined an educational program which offers a range of subjects, a high degree of student participation, and an intense experience that is both action-packed and safe. We've seen the enormous impact that field observation and research has on students, demonstrating, as no classroom lecture can, the connections between living things on land and in the ocean and the complexity of the ecological, social, cultural, and economic issues facing the world's citizens.



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