Carla Maria Verdino-Süllwold - Page 19

Carla Maria Verdino-Süllwold

Born and raised in the metropolitan New York area, Carla Maria Verdino-Süllwold took her degrees at Sarah Lawrence College and Fairleigh Dickinson University. She began her career as a teacher and arts administrator before becoming a journalist, critic, and author. In addition to contributing to Broadway World, her theatre, film, music and visual arts reviews and features have appeared in Fanfare Magazine, Scene 4 Magazine, Talkin’ Broadway, Opera News, Gramophone, Opéra International, Opera, Music Magazine, Beaux Arts, and The Crisis, and her byline has headed numerous program essays and record liner notes. Among her scholarly works, the best known is We Need A Hero! Heldentenors from Wagner’s Time to the Present: A Critical History. She helped to create several television projects, serving as associate producer and content consultant/writer, among them I Hear America Singing for WNET/PBS and Voices of the Heart: Stephen Fosterfor German television. Her first novel, Raising Rufus: A Maine Love Story appeared in 2010. Her screenplay version of the book was the 2011 Grand Prize Winner at the Rhode Island International Film Festival. She is also the author of a second novel, The Whaler's bride, and three collections of short stories, BOOKENDS Stories of Love, Loss, and Renewal, CAROUSEL, and ROUND TRIP. Ms. Verdino-Süllwold now makes her home in Brunswick, Maine, with her Newfoundland dog, Mariah's Storrm.

BWW Interview: Many Voices, Many Steps, One Dream-
The Intern Program at Maine State Music Theatre
BWW Interview: Many Voices, Many Steps, One Dream- The Intern Program at Maine State Music Theatre
September 20, 2015

Each year some two dozen young theatre professionals make their way to Brunswick, Maine, to take part in a dynamic summer program that is both educational and experiential. They come to fill performance, production, and administrative internships at one of New England's leading regional theatres. Maine State Music Theatre is an Equity summer company with more than a half century of storied history of bringing first-class Broadway shows to midcoast Maine and beyond. And at the heart of this ensemble are the talented, aspiring, and inspiring young actors and technicians who come to learn, to absorb, and to contribute to the magic of their chosen profession.

BWW Review: Lyric's ADDAMS FAMILY Explores the Wacky Side of Darkness
BWW Review: Lyric's ADDAMS FAMILY Explores the Wacky Side of Darkness
September 14, 2015

Lyric Music Theater of South Portland opened its 2015-16 season with the wacky musical The Addams Family, which examines the flip side of normal in the zany antics of a ghoulish family made famous by the Charles Addams comic strip, as well as various television and screen incarnations. The show, with music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa, book by Marshall Brickman/Ricky Elice, offers a cast of crazy misfits, a script with wickedly macabre humor, and a series of musical numbers that are rousing, exotic, sometimes even romantic. Lyric Music Theater's elaborate production attempts to do the piece full justice, though it succeeds more in the individual moments than in the whole.

BWW Review: MSMT Delights Family Audiences with SHREK Jr., The Musical
BWW Review: MSMT Delights Family Audiences with SHREK Jr., The Musical
August 18, 2015

As its mainstage season draws to a close, Maine State Music Theatre presented the second of its offerings for young audiences, Shrek Jr.,The Musical in an ambitiously staged interpretation of the 2008 David Lindsay-Abaire-Jeanine Tesori musical version of the Disneyworks film that packed Brunswick's Pickard Theatre for four performances on August 17th. Though MSMT has always offered children's theatre as part of its summer season, this Shrek distinguishes itself in its exuberant and deliciously talented young cast, its impressive production values, and its decision to address the show to a broader family audience. To see toddlers and grandparents, the literally-young and young-at-heart all relishing the energetic performance was an absolute delight!

BWW Interview: Of Monsters, Mad Scientists, and Mel Brooks
BWW Interview: Of Monsters, Mad Scientists, and Mel Brooks
August 14, 2015

'Mel Brooks' genius lies not only in that he has created these incredibly hilarious films, but he has written the musical scores as well.' The speaker is Jeremiah James, one of the stars of Young Frankenstein, the blockbuster fourth mainstage show of Maine State Music Theatre's 2015 season, which comes to a close n August 22. James, as well as his colleagues, Missy Dowse (Inga), Dance Captain Buddy Reeder, Music Director Samuel Thorne Bagala, and MSMT's Director of Development Barbara Whidden are talking with BWW's Carla Maria Verdino-Süllwold to a standing-room-only crowd in the last of the summer's Peek Behind the Curtain interview series on August 12 at Brunswick's Curtis Memorial Library. The lively panel is eloquent about Young Frankenstein and about their summer experience at MSMT.

BW Interviews: Jessica Lee Goldyn: This Business Chooses You
BW Interviews: Jessica Lee Goldyn: This Business Chooses You
August 10, 2015

'You really don't choose this business; it chooses you,' Jessica Lee Goldyn says of her becoming a professional dancer and actress while still in her teens. That bright career which has taken her to Broadway and around the country performing in musical theatre now brings her to Brunswick, Maine, to reprise the role of Elizabeth in Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein, which opened at Maine State Music Theatre August 6th. The role of Frederick Frankenstein's glamorous and fickle wife has been tailored to her extraordinary dancing abilities by director Marc Robin, and, as she tells Broadway World a few days before opening, she is enjoying the experience enormously!

BWW Reviews: Maine State Ballet Presents Lovely, Lyrical COPPELIA
BWW Reviews: Maine State Ballet Presents Lovely, Lyrical COPPELIA
August 10, 2015

Maine State Ballet's latest production of Coppelia is marked by a lovely wistfulness and lyricism and bolstered by fine choreography and impressive dancing. While not as glittering as the company's two previous offerings (Cinderella and Le Corsaire), this Coppelia is, nonetheless, a captivating and characterful fairy tale which appeals to a broad audience.

BWW Reviews: MSMT's YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN Brings Down the House
BWW Reviews: MSMT's YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN Brings Down the House
August 7, 2015

Maine State Music Theatre marshaled all its resources for the finale of its 2015 season with a stunning production of Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein, filled with rollicking humor, brilliant dancing, and dazzling design effects that had the opening night audience on their feet cheering not only at curtain calls, but also during the course of the show. Directed and choreographed by Marc Robin, the cast of starry principals and equally gifted ensemble gave Brooks' signature off-beat humor a vibrancy and wit that had the intimate Pickard Theatre pulsating with joyous energy.

BWW Interviews: Robert Creighton: Making It Real
BWW Interviews: Robert Creighton: Making It Real
August 5, 2015

'The more real you play it, the better for any piece, even a comedic piece like this one.' Stage and television actor Robert Creighton is talking about his upcoming role debut in Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein, which opens August 6th at the Maine State Music Theatre. Creighton, who is playing the meaty role of Frankenstein's bungling, hunchbacked assistant Igor, says of his approach to the part, 'The script is so good, so honed that I just have to say the words and stay out of their way. I don't have to mug. It is so well-crafted that I simply embrace the stupidity of it all, enjoy that and watch the audience enjoy it, too. When you play it for real, you are not making fun of the humor or commenting on the material, and the situation takes care of itself.'

BWW Reviews: TAM Serves Up Gothic Horror in TURN OF THE SCREW
BWW Reviews: TAM Serves Up Gothic Horror in TURN OF THE SCREW
July 27, 2015

In this 2015 season of 'Magic, Murder, and Mayhem' Maine's Theater at Monmouth serves up a gripping adaptation of Henry James' familiar tale of psychological Gothic horror, The Turn of the Screw. The novella tells the story of a governess' battle to wrench her two young charges from the grasp of spirits who haunt their estate and to probe the dark secrets which exert a debilitating psychological hold on everyone at Bly. Adapted here by Jeffrey Hatcher as a two person drama in which one actor plays all the characters other than the governess, TAM's seventy-five minute production has a lean look and taut pace that rivet even an audience familiar with the work.

BWW Reviews: Bowdoin International Music Festival Friday Shines
BWW Reviews: Bowdoin International Music Festival Friday Shines
July 26, 2015

Under new artistic leadership this summer after fifty years of visionary music making from festival founder, Lewis Kaplan, the Bowdoin International Music festival continues its tradition of world-class chamber and instrumental music led now by Phillip and David Ying. The Yings, together with their Quartet in residence continue to assemble the finest chamber musicians and soloists and to program a piquant blend of old and new music across a broad spectrum of periods and styles.The Friday evening, July 24th concert at the Crooker Theater in Brunswick, Maine, proved an admirable illustration of the scope of the programming and the depth of talent which comes to this coastal college town each summer to perform and teach.

BWW Interviews: Staging MUSIC MAN for a Contemporary Audience
BWW Interviews: Staging MUSIC MAN for a Contemporary Audience
July 24, 2015

'I try to do every play I direct keeping in mind both people who have never seen it before and those who might know it well. I ask myself, 'What would today's audience want to hear and how can I tell the story for this a contemporary public?' I actively look for ways to put a spin on even a well-known show like the Music Man so that some things strike the audience as surprises, as fresh and different. I want them not to sing along with tunes they know, but be caught off guard a little and be so busy watching the story unfold that they forget they already know it.' Director/choreographer Marc Robin is discussing his latest staging of Meredith Willson's classic musical, the Music Man, for Maine State Music Theatre. Robin was part of a panel that also included the shows stars, Curt Dale Clark and Lauren Blackman, MSMT's Props Designer Kyle Melton, and the company Director of Communications Carol Marquis, moderated by BWW's Carla Maria Verdino-Sullwold, the fourth such talkback in the company's summer series, Peek Behind the Curtain, which drew a standing-room only crowd.

BWW Interviews: MUSIC MAN's Charis Leos: I've Never Wanted To Do Anything Else!
BWW Interviews: MUSIC MAN's Charis Leos: I've Never Wanted To Do Anything Else!
July 20, 2015

'I never wanted to do anything else!' the dynamic blonde character actress tells Broadway World one recent afternoon on a break in her rehearsals for Maine State Music Theatre's Music Man, which opened July 16. Charis Leos is currently playing Eulalie, the Mayor of River City's wife in her third with the company role this summer season; she has already delighted audiences as Georgie in The Full Monty and Sister Mary Patrick in Sister Act, and she looks forward to undertaking Frau Blucher in Young Frankenstein in what will be her tenth season in Brunswick. Leos has strong ties to MSMT, to Artistic Director Curt Dale Clark, and to director Marc Robin (Music Man/Young Frankenstein), and she says she 'loves the quality of work we do here. A lot has to do with the community which is so incredibly supportive. This is the best-paid vacation ever. Of course, it it's a great deal of hard work because the schedule is so compact, but I am having a wonderful time!'

BWW Reviews: MSMT Makes MUSIC MAN an Irresistible Valentine
BWW Reviews: MSMT Makes MUSIC MAN an Irresistible Valentine
July 17, 2015

Who doesn't love Meredith Willson's classic musical, Music Man, with its thrilling score, its witty humor, its irresistible combination of bravura and unabashed romanticism?. Generations have grown up on movie versions and memories of the big Broadway productions. So when a company undertakes a revival of such a classic, they risk the inevitable comparisons. Undaunted, Maine State Music Theatre has mounted a grand, original, and compelling look at this cornerstone of American musical theatre. The new production, directed by Marc Robin, starring Curt Dale Clark and Lauren Blackman, which opened at Brunswick's Pickard Theatre on July 16, skillfully fuses the familiar and the fresh into an evening of absolute delight.

BW Interviews: Curt Dale Clark and Lauren Blackman Revel in the Quintessential American Musical
BW Interviews: Curt Dale Clark and Lauren Blackman Revel in the Quintessential American Musical
July 15, 2015

When Meredith Wilson's Music Man opens July 16th at Maine State Music Theatre in Brunswick, Maine, this grand scale production will mark the fourth time actor and Artistic Director Curt Dale Clark has undertaken the role of Harold Hill, and it will be the first time his co-star Lauren Blackman has portrayed Marian Paroo. Yet for both artists, the experience feels like a kind of spiritual homecoming.

BWW Interviews: Theatre Takes a Village
BWW Interviews: Theatre Takes a Village
July 3, 2015

Maine State Music Theatre held it third panel discussion devoted to its production of Sister Act on July 1, 2015, at the Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick. Actors Kingsley Leggs and David Girolmo, stage manager Mark Johnson, music director Jason Wetzel, and MSMT Managing Director Stephanie Dupal spoke to Broadway World's moderator Carla Maria Verdino-Sullwold and a full house of enthusiastic MSMT patrons about the challenges of putting on this large scale show that has proved to be another huge hit for the company.

BWW Interviews: Trista Dollison in SISTER ACT: Singing with Great Joy!
BWW Interviews: Trista Dollison in SISTER ACT: Singing with Great Joy!
June 29, 2015

Every night for the next three weeks Trista Dollison dons a nun's habit and lights up the stage of Brunswick's Maine State Music Theatre with her sassy, soulful, exuberant portrayal of Deloris Van Cartier in Sister Act - the cabaret singer who teaches the joy of music to a sleepy convent of Philadelphia nuns. It's a part she seems born to play and one which reflects her overall love of singing. 'It's a great role, hands down!' she enthuses in the last days of rehearsal before the June 25th opening. 'I had seen the show on Broadway twice and auditioned more than twice, so I am delighted to be here doing it now. It is one of those shows that rides on your back. She has such great songs and is in every scene. She is such a fierce and fabulous character! I love the fact that she starts off in a selfish world and evolves into being the hope for these sisters, and the sisters become the hope for her. The journey within the show is so beautiful: she realizes she is helping the nuns, and they realize they are helping her. She awakens something that is lost in the convent - a passion and joy.'

BWW Reviews: MSMT's SISTER ACT Raises the Rafters in Rejoicing
BWW Reviews: MSMT's SISTER ACT Raises the Rafters in Rejoicing
June 26, 2015

In the first act of the Menken/Slater/Steinkellner musical comedy, Sister Act, the heroine, Sister Mary Clarence (aka Deloris Van Cartier) tells Mother Superior that song should come from the soul to raise the rafters. Maine State Music Theatre's second season offering does just that with a dazzling production and a cast whose talent is, indeed, cause for celebration!

BWW Interviews: Kinglsey Leggs of SISTER ACT - Art with Intention
BWW Interviews: Kinglsey Leggs of SISTER ACT - Art with Intention
June 24, 2015

'If you build it they will come. If you want diversity in the theatre, you have to build that diversity from the ground up. You can't just expect it to happen.' Actor Kingsley Leggs is speaking with quiet intensity about his passion for theatre, music, and dance and his belief that theatre must not only please, but also educate and empower its audiences. These are beliefs he has honed in a long career which has taken him from his native St. Louis to Broadway, regional theatre, and television. As he recounts his story, he is taking a break on what he calls 'a three show day' at Maine State Music Theatre, where he is in the last week of performances of The Full Monty and set to open June 25th in Sister Act. He has just finished the morning rehearsal and will soon head over to the theatre for a matinee and evening show. For all the obvious demands of this schedule, he appears relaxed and animated. He tells the story of how he came to be in Brunswick this summer:

BWW Reviews: MSMT Intern Company Dreams of FAME
BWW Reviews: MSMT Intern Company Dreams of FAME
June 16, 2015

'Fame/I'm gonna live forever/I'm gonna learn how to fly. . . .'So sings the company of young aspiring actors in the Steve Margoshes/Jacques Levy 1984 musical, FAME, and, indeed, one finds the description appropriate for the talented cast which Maine State Music Theatre has assembled for its annual intern production, presented at Brunswick's Pickard Theatre on Monday, June 15th. Each year some two dozen young artists, who also perform in the main stage shows and work behind the scenes come together to present their own show, and in this year's FAME they outdo themselves! The 1988 musical based on the earlier movie is an excellent choice for the company, offering age-appropriate characters with which the actors can identify and challenging them to turn out colorful, individual performances while creating an esprit de corps. Moreover, it is a theatre story, filled with laughter, pathos, and heart.

BWW Interviews: FULL MONTY Team Lets It Go!
BWW Interviews: FULL MONTY Team Lets It Go!
June 12, 2015

In a lively, funny, often piquant conversation cast and creative team members from Maine State Music Theatre's The Full Monty convened on June 10 to talk with Broadway World in the first of this summer's highly successful talkback series, A Peek Behind the Curtain. The audience was delighted to have the opportunity to meet director, Donna Drake, stars Peter Matthew Smith, Amanda Rose, MSMT Artistic Director Curt Dale Clark and Outreach Sales Manager Katie White. The discussion focused on the show's appeal, its message, and, of course, on the show stopping strip finale.

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