THEATREWORKS SILICON VALLEY 2020-21 SEASON **CANCELLED** Equity Principal Auditions - TheatreWorks Silicon Valley Auditions

Posted March 17, 2020
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TheatreWorks Silicon Valley



Tue, Mar 10, 2020

11:00 am - 5:00 pm (PST)

Mon, Mar 16, 2020

11:00 am - 5:00 pm (PST)

Tue, Mar 17, 2020

11:00 am - 5:00 pm (PST)

Sun, Mar 29, 2020

10:30 am - 4:30 pm (PST)


Visit to schedule an appointment.


LORT Non-Rep LORT B, C Minimums - $969/wk, $899/wk


See breakdown.


Total of 3 minutes: Either one song and one monologue, or two monologues. Bring sheet music in the key you plan to sing, headshot and resume.



350 Twin Dolphin Drive
Suite 127

Redwood City, CA 94065

Rehearsal Halls. Please enter from the south side of the building. Parking available.


Casting Director - Jeffrey Lo.
Please see breakdown for authors.


See breakdown.


An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of audition.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.


Queen by Madhuri Shekar

Directed by Jeffrey Lo

Rehearsals begin: 6/15/20

Performs: 7/8/20 to 8/2/20

Sanam Shah: F, mid/late 20s. Indian (from India - accented speech). An applied mathematician about to graduate from a PhD program in ecology.

Ariel Spiegel: F, mid 30s. A PhD ecology researcher and single mom. Not Indian.

Arvind Patel: M, late 30s. A financier from New York. Indian American. A potential suitor for Sanam.

Dr. Philip Hayes: M. Late 40s or older. Ariel and Sanam's supervising professor.

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner by Todd Kreidler based on the screenplay by William Rose

Directed by Incoming Artistic Director Timothy Bond

Rehearsals Begin: Approx 9/8/20

Performs: 10/7/20 to 11/1/20

Christina Drayton, Caucasian, F, 64, runs the Drayton Gallery, having taught Joey to treat everyone as equals, her belief in those teachings is challenged when she meets John, fiercely loving and determined to keep her daughter in her life.

Matt Drayton, Caucasian, M, 67, publisher of San Francisco newspaper, The Guardian, a workaholic, Matt does not heed his doctor’s warnings to only work three days a week, while a journalist and a liberal he finds reason to disapprove of Joey and John’s marriage.

Joanna Drayton, Caucasian, F, 23, “Joey” recently interned for a medical research hospital in Hawaii, she is bold and stubborn in her love for John and unwavering in her plans to marry him.

Doctor John Prentice, African-American, M, 37, a medical research doctor, cautiously enters the home and his interactions with Joanna’s parents, intelligent and respectful he will not marry Joey without her parents’ approval.

Matilda Banks, African-American, F, 55, “Tillie” has worked twenty-seven years as a domestic for the Draytons, suspicious of John, she is loyal and protective of the Drayton family.

Hillary St. George, Caucasian, F, 43, associate director of the Drayton Gallery, an employee of Christina’s and happens to be working at the house when Joanna arrives with John, her casually racist remarks push Christina to fire her.

Monsignor Ryan, Caucasian, M, 75, longtime family friend of the Draytons, blunt and sees no issue with Joey and John’s marriage, calmly gives Christina and Matt reasons to approve of the relationship.

John Prentice Sr. African-American, M, 63, a schoolteacher, protective and proud of his son, John, he at first strongly disapproves of the marriage as he sees it a threat to all John has worked and built for himself.

Mary Prentice, African-American, F, 59, department store clerk, having seen the hurt her son, John, has felt, she can neither approve nor disapprove of the marriage but is highly concerned about her son’s heart.

Sense and Sensibility

Music, Lyrics and Book by Paul Gordon

Based off of the novel by Jane Austen

Directed by Robert Kelley

Rehearsals Begin: 11/13/20

Performs: 12/2/20 to 1/2/21

Actor 1 - Elinor Dashwood

Actor 2 - Marianne Dashwood

Actor 3 - Fanny and others

Actor 4 - Lucy Steele, Miss Grey and Miss Palmer

Actor 5 - John Dashwood and Mr. Harris

Actor 6 - John Middleton and others

Actor 7 - Edward Ferrars

Actor 8 - Col. Brandon

Actor 9 – Willoughby

Lifespan of a Fact by Jeremy Kareken, David Murrell and Gordon Farrell

Based on the Book by John D’Agata and Jim Fingal

Rehearsals Begin 12/15/20

Performances 1/13/21 to 2/7/21

Jim Fingal (mid-20’s), the intern

Emily Penrose, (late 40’s-60’s), the editor in chief

John D’Agata, (40’s-60’s), the essayist

Nan and the Lower Body By Jessica Dickey

Directed by Giovanna Sardelli

Rehearsals Begin 2/12/21

Performs 3/10/21 to 4/4/21

Dr. George Papanicolaou (aka Dr. Pap), M, Mid 60’s, Greek.. A truly unique scientific mind. Mischievous, good humored, perceptive, charismatic, subversive, more tenacious than most.

Nan Day, F, 20’s/30’s, tall, New England. Extremely bright, very reserved and buttoned-up, but more emotional than she lets on. Not good at small talk or meaningless jokes. Trying to hide symptoms of a serious health crisis.

Mache Papanicolaou, F, late 50’s to early 60’s, wife of George, short, even stout, built with an unusual amount of discipline, blunt, has worked long and hard with her husband, but is recently losing her place at his side.

Ted Day, M, 20’s/30’s, Husband of Nan, Liberal New England minister, incredibly earnest and socially forward thinking, perhaps easily shocked, his ideals make him miss the subtler things sometimes.


Music by Mitch Leigh

Lyrics by Joe Darion

Written by Dale Wasserman

Rehearsals Begin: Approx: 2/26/21

Performs 4/1/20 to 5/2/21

Cervantes/Don Quixote, M, a heroic baritone voice; doubles as the writer Cervantes who is a poet, an unconventional thinker, and a restless spirit; as Quixote, he is the “foolish knight” who believes chivalry is alive; vocal range: B2-E4.

Aldonza, F, belt to a high A; Aldonza is a “savage, dark alley cat”; she is defensive, defiant, and a survivor; she is also wry; however, beneath her tough exterior is a woman with a noble heart who desperately wants to be loved; vocal range: Ab3-Ab5.

Sancho Panza, M, actor doubles as Cervantes’ manservant and Quixote’s sidekick Sancho; he is funny, has a light-hearted spirit, and has a deep and true kindness; his essence is that of caretaker; actor must have depth and subtlety; must also sing well, but can have comic voice; vocal range: C3-A4.

Padre, M, a kind but passive religious leader; he is well-intentioned, but not strong enough to stand fully behind his beliefs; he’s a pleaser, but he has a soul and a heart; must have a lyrical tenor voice; vocal range: C3-G4.

Duke/ Dr. Carrasco, M, The Duke is a man of “breeding, intelligence, logic”; he is analytical and scientific; he can also be arrogant because he’s usually the smartest person in the room; in this version, he will be a foil to Quixote; must feel like a thoughtful leading man; vocal range: C3-C.


Having Our Say by Emily Mann

Adapted from the Book by Sarah L. Delany and A. Elizabeth Delany with Amy Hill Hearth

Rehearsals Begin: 5/7/21

Performs 6/2/21 to 6/27/21

Elizabeth “Bessie” Delany, F, African-American, to play Bessie at 101 years old; was the third of ten Delany children; vivacious, emotional and an outspoken advocate for civil rights; graduated from Columbia University’s School of Dental and Oral Surgery and became the second African-American woman licensed to practice dentistry in NYC.

Sarah “Sadie” Delany, F, African American, to play Sadie at 103 years old; was the second of ten Delany children; more quiet in her determination, she earned a Masters degree from Columbia University and was the first African-American woman to teach domestic science at public high schools in New York City.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to audition.

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