NASHVILLE REPERTORY THEATRE 2017-18 SEASON Equity Principal Auditions - Nashville Repertory Theatre Auditions

Posted May 10, 2017
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NASHVILLE REPERTORY THEATRE 2017-18 SEASON - Nashville Repertory Theatre

Nashville Repertory Theatre 2017-18 Season - Nashville TN EPA

Nashville Repertory Theatre


May 23, 2017

12:00 pm - 8:00 pm (CDT)

Break 6pm to 7pm

May 24, 2017

12:00 pm - 8:00 pm (CDT)

Break 6 to 7


AEA members call (615) 349-3217 or fill out audition request form on website at: ( Office hours: M – F, 9AM – 5PM. All Online, voice msgs, and calls will all be responded to equally, with slots filled in order requests received. To assure this, if leaving voicemail message be sure to mention any times you would be unavailable during the posted audition hours, as well as any preference you have (subject to availability).


SPT Cat. 7; 17-18 pending; currently $490.00/week


Local Nashville-area Adult Equity Actors for various roles in the upcoming season.


Please bring two current headshots and résumés.

IF AUDITIONING ONLY FOR NON-MUSICAL SHOWS: Please prepare 2 contrasting monologues together totaling no more than three (3) minutes. If interested in SENSE & SENSIBILITY it is recommended that proficiency with British dialect is demonstrated.
IF AUDITIONING FOR SHOWS INCLUDING MUSICAL: Please prepare 1 or 2 monologues and up to 32 bars of a song, together totaling no more than three (3) minutes.

Accompanist provided 1p-6p only on both audition days. Please bring sheet music in your key.


Nashville Public Television

161 Rains Ave

Nashville, TN 37203-5330

Studio A, Nashville Rep’s rehearsal hall


René D. Copeland, Producing Artistic Director


Callbacks for specific Nashville Repertory Theatre productions will be held between May 25 and June 3.


Equity Stage Managers are not being sought at this time, however stage managers may send resumes to

If making an online appointment request, be sure to fill out the form completely. For more info go to

An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.


Roles available for Nashville Repertory Theatre 2017-18 Season
All performances in the Johnson Theatre, Tennessee Performing Arts Center.
For roles indicated as “CAST”, actors will be considered as possible replacements, should any become necessary.

by Kate Hamill. Based on the novel by Jane Austin. Director: René Copeland.
Rehearsals: Aug. 19—Sept. 6, 2017. Previews Sept. 7 & 8. Runs: Sept. 9—23.
Anticipating 5 AEA contracts to be cast among available roles.

Seeking: An ensemble of ten (5-6 female, 4-5 male). Non-traditional casting will be considered.

Elinor Dashwood – the eldest Dashwood sister, sensible

Marianne Dashwood – the middle Dashwood sister, sensitive

Fanny Dashwood/Lucy Steele/Lady Middleton/Gossip

Colonel Brandon/Thomas/Gossip – Colonel Brandon is an older bachelor over 45

Edward Ferrars/Robert Ferrars/Gossip

John Willoughby/John Dashwood/Gossip – Willoughby is an unusually handsome young man

Margaret Dashwood/Mrs. Ferrars/Gossip – Margaret is the youngest Dashwood sister

Mrs. Dashwood/Anne Steele/Gossip – Mrs. Dashwood is mother to Dashwood sisters

Mrs. Jennings/Gossip – Mrs. Jennings is a good-natured, boisterous woman

John Middleton/Doctor/Servant/Gossip – John Middleton is a country gentleman

Book by Alex Timbers Music and Lyrics by Michael Friedman. Director/Music Director: Jason Tucker
Rehearsals: Sept. 17—Oct. 11, 2017. Previews Oct. 12 & 13. Runs: Oct. 14—Nov. 4, 2017.
Anticipating 5 AEA contracts to be cast among available roles.

Seeking: An ensemble of thirteen (8-9 male, 4-5 female). Non-traditional casting will be considered.

Andrew Jackson -- a man’s president, roguish, charming, sexy, violent, arrogant

Martin Van Buren/doubles -- Jackson’s right hand man, in over his head, buffoon, lovable

Rachel Jackson/doubles – Jackson’s wife, a little older than him, maternal, alluring

The Storyteller/doubles – oppressively good natured, she loves history, loves Jackson

John C. Calhoun/Andrew – gentleman senator from the South, sinister, brilliant

Henry Clay/Black Fox – weasel-ly, over-the-top villain/Native American chief, intelligent

James Monroe/doubles – President, old school American aristocracy, foppish

John Quincy Adams/doubles – whiny, spoiled, demanding, really wants to be president

adapted by Phillip Grecian. Director: René Copeland.
Rehearsals: Nov. 12—22, 2017. Preview Nov. 24. Runs: Nov. 25—Dec. 22, 2017.

All roles have been CAST. However actors will be considered for possible replacements.

The Old Man, Schwartz, Ralphie/Ralph, Randy, Mother, Flick, Scut

by Lydia R. Diamond. Director: TBA.
Rehearsals: Jan. 20—Feb. 7, 2018. Previews Feb. 8 & 9. Runs: Feb. 10—24, 2018.
Anticipating 5 AEA contracts to be cast among available roles.

Seeking: 2 males, 2 females.

Valerie Johnston, 24. African American. Recently graduated A.R.T. Acting M.F.A.

Brian White, 36-42. White. A professor at Harvard and a neuropsychiatrist.

Ginny Yang, 34-40. Chinese and Japanese American. No accent. Only speaks English.

Jackson Moore, 28. African American. Harvard Med School. Surgical intern on rotation.

by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee. Director: René Copeland.
Rehearsals: Mar. 3—21, 2018. Previews Mar. 22 & 23. Runs: March 24—April 21, 2018.
Anticipating 5 AEA contracts to be cast among available roles.

Seeking: 8 males, 2 females.

Henry Drummond

Matthew Brady

E.K. Hornbeck, the reporter

Rev. Jeremiah Brown, Rachel’s father

Sarah Brady, Matthew’s wife

Mr. Meeker, the bailiff

The judge/ensemble

The Mayor/ensemble


Mrs. Krebs/ensemble

(Internship roles not being cast at open call: Melinda, Howard, Rachel Brown, Bertram Cates, Tom Davenport, various townspeople, reporters.)

Full and fair casting consideration will be given to ethnic minorities, women, seniors, and actors with disabilities. Performers of all races and ethnicities are encouraged to audition.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to audition.

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