BURT DOW: DEEP WATER MAN Equity Performer Auditions - Opera House Arts Auditions

Posted February 9, 2012
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– Equity Performer Auditions by APPOINTMENT in ME

Opera House Arts Stonington, ME SPT $273/week minimum + pension/health.

Artistic Dir: Judith Jerome

Book/Music: Maia Aprahamian

Based on the book by Robert McCloskey

Dir: Joan Jubett

Mus Dir: Peter Szep

1st reh: 7/23/12. Runs 8/9-8/12 and 8/16-8/19.

Equity Performer Auditions (Principal/Chorus) by APPOINTMENT:

Monday, February 27, 2012 Stonington Opera House

9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 1 School Street

Lunch from 1 - 2. Stonington, ME 04681

Auditions in Theatre. Report to office below first.

For an appointment, call 207/367-2788 (M-F, 11-5). Equity Members without appointments will be seen throughout the audition day, as time permits.

Please prepare a brief song (approx. 2 minutes) from the musical theater tradition, that best shows your voice. Bring sheet music in the correct key; an accompanist will be provided, but may not transpose.

Please bring a photo and resume, stapled back-to-back.

From 1963, “Burt Dow” was the last book written by award-winning children's book author Robert McCloskey, a long-time resident of Deer Isle, ME. Loosely based on a true local character (Burt Dow, 1882-1964) and the account of the whale in the Book of Jonah, it tells the story of Burt, a retired fisherman, and his pet, the Giggling Gull. The two are fishing in Burt's boat, the leaky Tidely-Idley, when a storm blows up, forcing them to seek shelter in the belly of a friendly whale—and then to find a way out. Though the opera is based on a children's book, it is for all ages. There is whimsy and adventure, but deeper questions surface.

Burt Dow:

45+. Baritone. Down East accent. Real old-Maine fisherman. Beloved in the community. A little absent-minded, and an artist at heart. Philosophical. The heart/mind of the story.

Four Chorus / Ensemble Members (M/F):

Members of the fishing village. Must be strong singers. Think Greek chorus meets “Our Town”.

Theatre’s statement: “All races, ethnicities encouraged to audition.”


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