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Patti Stanger has earned her "Millionaire Matchmaker" nickname (also the title of her previous show) through the years she has spent setting up wealthy people through her Millionaire's Club dating service, a practice she continues on this show. In each episode, two wealthy clients check into a luxury property in Southern California, where they unwittingly begin their ``love lesson' through custom challenges designed by Stanger and her crew. Stanger then gives her feedback -- which can be brutally honest at times -- in one-on-one sessions with the daters, during which she gives an in-depth review of the surprise date. Each client is then introduced to the matches chosen by Patti, with the hope that one of them will be ``the one.' Stanger's team includes former beauty queen Candace, who has a psychology degree; self-proclaimed ``romance enthusiast' David; and power couple Destin and Rachel, who return to the club following a brief hiatus.

- Source TVMaze


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