Tootsie Center Orch Row Q

#1Tootsie Center Orch Row Q
Posted: 4/28/19 at 5:48pm

I have two tickets for tootsie on June 18th that i cant use. The exact seats are Row Q 103 and 104. I bought them for a little over $300 in total. Selling for $250 in total (or $125 each). Will call the box office and change the name as they are at will call

#2Tootsie Center Orch Row Q
Posted: 4/28/19 at 6:16pm

I’m also willing to negotiate the prices

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#3Tootsie Center Orch Row Q
Posted: 4/29/19 at 9:02am

Are you sure those aren't $48 Audience Rewards seats? Everyone I know who's redeemed has been seated in center orchestra row Q, and Ticketmaster doesn't offer Will Call as an option. Also, if they are, whoever buys them will see COMP and $0 on the tickets.

#4Tootsie Center Orch Row Q
Posted: 4/29/19 at 6:35pm

Yea I’m pretty sure they’re not audience rewards tickets. Me and my friend bought them through broadway direct, which allows for will call as an option